Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So the other day I was walking home and there was a lady picking up her dogs doo doo using the 'hand in the inside out plastic baggy' technique. Some little kids were watching and found what she was doing to be quite strange and funny. The kids were walking by, then stopped to point and laugh at the woman bent over to pick up the dog poo. This upset the lady who felt it was important to take this opportunity to teach these kids why she was picking up dog poo. She responded by yelling at them. Yelling!?. She yelled "Dont laugh... you need to pick up your dogs... " I dont remember what all she said but I found her yelling at random laughing kids to be quite hillarious.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

scariest/awesomest moment

So... on my way home from Utah, my plane was delayed due to a thunderstorm. After an hour or so of waiting the pilot was given the go ahead to take off. We took off and HOLY CRAP... Lightning everywhere!!! I had a window seat so I could see clearly. The lightning came continuously and I had a perfect view of all of it. I timed to see how long it would go without lightning, and there was never more than 2 seconds.

Anyways, while on the way up a big light looked like it went right on us and all of the TVs turned off and the plane dropped for what seemed forever, but was probably only like 2-3 seconds... one of the scariest moments of my life.

So I spent the next little while peeking out the window and checking out my beautiful view of the lightning. I have never had such an incredible view of it, I felt like I was right inside of the storm. I could see all of the lightning strikes from top to bottom. We were flying over salt lake and each flash of light reflected over the lake so it went from a view of nothing, to being able to see the details of the lake and it was espectacular (as would be said by me to the Spanish speakers, I think saying it in Spanish emphasizes it for some reason).

Anyways... scary/awesome

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I write in my journal every night, which is actually quite therapeutic. I can let all of my emotions out onto something that no one will ever read, without embarrassing myself. I imagine that blogging about such things would be embarrassing because whenever I go back and read in my journal, I always find that I say the stupidest things... it always cracks me up though.

So, what to blog about then? Girls? no, that would be gay. well, not gay in the sense of... you know.

Political incorrectness? no, that would be retarded.

Dental school drama? Boring.

Things I've learned: Girls are not to be understood. they are to be...?