Saturday, July 26, 2008

scariest/awesomest moment

So... on my way home from Utah, my plane was delayed due to a thunderstorm. After an hour or so of waiting the pilot was given the go ahead to take off. We took off and HOLY CRAP... Lightning everywhere!!! I had a window seat so I could see clearly. The lightning came continuously and I had a perfect view of all of it. I timed to see how long it would go without lightning, and there was never more than 2 seconds.

Anyways, while on the way up a big light looked like it went right on us and all of the TVs turned off and the plane dropped for what seemed forever, but was probably only like 2-3 seconds... one of the scariest moments of my life.

So I spent the next little while peeking out the window and checking out my beautiful view of the lightning. I have never had such an incredible view of it, I felt like I was right inside of the storm. I could see all of the lightning strikes from top to bottom. We were flying over salt lake and each flash of light reflected over the lake so it went from a view of nothing, to being able to see the details of the lake and it was espectacular (as would be said by me to the Spanish speakers, I think saying it in Spanish emphasizes it for some reason).

Anyways... scary/awesome


thinkHP said...


hi randy, heidi here... yes I'm blog stalking you thanks to your comment on Mike's blog.


John said...

Thanks for telling me about the lightning earlier! I was in a crazy lightning storm in Honduras. Awesome.