1. He bathes himself regularly
2. He gives me nieces and a nephew
3. He smiles when I fart really loud
4. He tells me what he thinks, even if its that im being an idiot
5. He didn't beat me up as much as Dave did
6. He helps me make movies
7. He's a smarty pants
8. He told me to be a dentist
9. He will never ever wear jeans
10. He has some amazing original dance moves that never cease to amuse
11. We are going to make millions in some business one day
12. Doing nothing w/ him is fun, but it wont be long till were doing something
13. We come up w/ business ideas and do em
14. He lets me sleep in his house and eat his food
15. He comes to New York and visits
16. He's a good Daddy
17. If you say you'd give someone money to do something ridiculous, he just might do it
18. When I'm w/ him there is a good chance some random people will want to fight us (like a 14% chance) which makes for good stories
19. He's a good example of good (its not his fault they want to fight us, just crazy people)
20. One morning he took me to institute off-roading and jumped our Subaru off the train tracks
(freaked the crap out of my friend and me)
21. He bought a car w/ his friends just to take off jumps
22. He cut his leg rolling down rocky hills in a barrel
23. He spit his food at a crazy biker guy trying to punch him through his car window
24. He rollerbladed w/ me down totally steep hills in the snow (Ive got a scar to prove it)
25. I wasn't there for his wedding so he put a life size cut out of me in his reception line
26. We have matching lip scars from basketball injuries
27. He totally immobilized a 35 yr old guy that was attacking us when we were high school age w/out beating the dude up
28. If ever I have a problem w/ something, he's there for me
29. He married Natalie
30. I think we think alot alike
31. I'll stop one short so that Natalie beats me, she has 31 reasons
(one of my favorite stories)
Ahhh, good times. Hard to limit it to 31 though, right?!
You're funny Randy, I might have to copy and paste that on my blog so there is a more well rounded image of my husband :)
You forgot about the time he beat up a trick-or-treating kid and dumped out his candy at Brett's Haunted Garage.
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